Harquin Creative Group
Building Brands to Propel Business

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where you stand.

Shout it. Whisper it.
Just don't mumble it.
Every ounce of what your product or service can be, that's what your advertising must be.

Planning for a new logo identity

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March 23, 2007

Performance FlightLogos look easy to do. Some stylized type, an illustration, and you’re done, right? Not quite.
Logos are a designers’ toughest assignment because a logo needs to communicate in an instant, an organization’s or product’s essence in its simplest form—and look great too. It is the first step in the all important "branding" process that all messaging will be built around.

Clients may not realize it, but their involvement is a very important ingredient in a logo’s success. Here is a short checklist of helpful information to think about or gather prior to meeting with your creative firm:

- List the features and benefits that distinguish your company or product from the competition. What do you offer that is unique?

- Identify your target audience. What will attract their attention and appeal to them?

- Find colors, art styles, and type that appeal aesthetically to you. Collect printed samples and web site addresses.

- Gather and review your competitor’s printed materials and take a good look at their web sites. You don’t want to copy them, but you do need to know how they present themselves so you can distinguish your company from them.

- Write down key company information: Who you are, what you do, where you will do it, when you will do it, why the customer/client needs it, how will you provide the services/product. This “brief” doesn’t need to be written professionally. The exercise of putting all this on paper will help you clarify your thoughts.

By following these guidelines, your new identity project will get started and proceed more smoothly.